Hearing a diagnosis of "You have cancer" is a frightening nightmare. Until recently the only relief for cancer "victims" has been opioid pharmaceuticals, which are dangerous - with the threat of addiction and death from overdose. Now, however, the promise of powerful - but benign - phyocannabinoids promise to bring greater relief to those struggling with cancer. Now, however, powerful but benign phycannabinoids promise to bring greater relief to those struggling with cancer. Cannabinoids are chemicals in the cannabis flower. While there are more than 400 cannabinoids, only five have been identified and researched to reveal their powerful medicinal qualities. CBD and THC, the two best known cannabinoids, have powerful ability to soothe inflammation, which causes pain. Even more interesting - and provocative is the emerging research suggesting that THC can actually kill - called apoptosis. So the promise of phycannabinids, which is an herb - not a pharmaceutical medicine that can be purchased in a dispensery where permitted or online and can be used with little risk of adverse reactions. CANNABIS FOR CANCER explains how cannabis therapeutic work and how they differ from traditional pharmaceutical treatments, usually opioids which come with many potential hazards. While it is important to work with a licensed medical practitioner, CANNABIS FOR CANCER describes how cancer patients can use cannabis to improve their daily lives